Iranians in Burkina vote to elect their new president

Ouagadougou: Iranians living in Burkina voted on Friday in Ouagadougou, to choose from among 6 candidates in the running, the new president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 40 days after the death of President Ebrahim Raissi in a helicopter crash.

‘I am very happy and very moved to be able to take part in this election to contribute to the choice of our new president and entrust the management of the country to a new person,’ said the ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Burkina Faso. , Mr. Faghihi Mojtaba.

For this election, 6 candidates were selected on the final list. It takes place 40 days after the death of President Ebrahim Raissi following a helicopter crash.

For the ambassador, the competition is tough between the different candidates and no one knows ‘at the moment’ who will be the new president of Iran. ‘This choice belongs to the population,’ he added.

The Iranian citizen living in Burkina, Ms. Mojagan Faghihi, expresses her joy after fulfilling her civic duty.

‘It’s really a great op
portunity and a chance for us to contribute to the choice of our president,’ she said.

For her, Iranian women have the same rights as men and vote in the same way as men.

‘It’s really a great opportunity for us women to also allow ourselves to have a say in the choice of our president,’ she insisted.

This election marks the 14th of its kind since the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran in January 1979.

According to the Iranian Constitution, the interior minister is responsible for making all arrangements to organize the elections.

Source: Burkina Information Agency