Ioba/Rise of colors: The high commissioner of the province invites corporate bodies to pay their individual taxesTen Tunisian students and teachers to benefit from 3-year study and scholarship at Oxford University

The High Commissioner of Ioba province, Bernadette Adenyo née Sermé, invited the bodies to pay their individual taxes, on the occasion of the ceremony of the monthly raising of national colors coupled with the day of fiscal exemplarity, Monday March 4, 2024 in Dano.

The ceremony for the raising of the national colors this March took place at the provincial tax directorate (DPI) of Ioba.

This service was deliberately chosen by the provincial authorities.

Indeed, the flag raising ceremony was coupled with the day of fiscal exemplarity.

At the end of the raising of colors ceremony, the participants stormed the DPI revenue offices to pay their taxes.

This is the second time that this activity is organized by the Dano High Commission in collaboration with the Provincial Tax Directorate (DPI) of Ioba.

The bodies headed by the head of the Ioba province have once again shown a good example in terms of tax citizenship.

They paid their individual taxes such as residence tax, motor vehicle tax and gun tax.

The p
rovincial tax director of Ioba, Joël Dinaba, first presented the organization, responsibilities and operation of the DPI. He thanked the administrative authorities for organizing this activity and all taxpayers for their participation. The High Commissioner of Ioba, Bernadette Adenyo/Sermé, stressed that civil servants also contribute to the socio-economic development of the region.

According to her, it is important that people see that civil servants set an example.

Ms Adenyo explained the rationale for paying taxes. She maintained that the collection of taxes not only relieves the special municipal and regional delegations and further the government.

‘Without a doubt, it allows malnourished children to have a balanced diet and others to have access to education and health care,’ she said.

She congratulated public and private service agents and traders in Ioba province who paid their individual taxes in 2023.

The first manager of Ioba informed the participants of the activities held in the commune of Or
onkua as part of the 167th anniversary of International Women’s Day, March 8, 2024. She thanked all the members of the bodies constituted for their remarkable and constant mobilization at each ceremony of the raising of the national colors.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Tunisian students and teachers (10 in total) will benefit from a three-year study and scholarship at the University of Oxford, United Kingdom, under a partnership and cooperation programme between Tunisian universities (humanities and social sciences) and St Antonny’s College (University of Oxford) signed on Monday at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

The scholarship programme, signed by Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Moncef Boukthir and representatives of St Antonny’s College, will also enable 5 British students and teachers to continue their studies and research in Tunisian universities for a period of 3 years, while benefiting from scholarships.

In addition, scholarships will be offered to students and teachers at St Antonny’s College to study Arabic or the Tunisian dialect for research or teaching purposes at postgraduate or university level.

Businessman Hazem Ben Gacem, the initiator of this project, said he aim of this partnership programme is to open up
new prospects for brilliant Tunisian students and enable them to succeed in their academic and professional careers, and expressed his willingness to strengthen this initiative in the light of cooperation programmes between Tunisian and foreign universities.

For his part, Boukthir said that the results of this programme would be evaluated by the Ministry of Higher Education and its partners a year and a half after its launch in order to adapt and enrich it.

Director of the Middle East Centre at St Antony’s College, University of Oxford, Eugene Rogan, pointed out that this twinning programme is the result of several meetings between the University of Oxford and Tunisian teachers in the context of visits organized by the University of Oxford to 6 Tunisian universities, which have given impetus to cooperation and exchanges between the two countries in the field of higher education and scientific research.

This agreement will be implemented from the 2024-2025 academic year.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Pre