Interior Minister calls on MPs to approve bills on biometric IDs and passports

Interior Minister Kamel Feki called on members of the Assembly of People’s Representatives (ARP) on Wednesday to approve the bill amending and supplementing the Law No. 27 of 1993 dated March 22, 1993, relating to the national identity card (No. 56/2023), and the bill amending and supplementing the Law No. 40 of 1975 dated May 14, 1975, relating to passports and travel documents (No. 2023/57).

Feki told a plenary session that his ministry was ready to issue passports and biometric identity cards, and that the relevant legal texts and discussions with suppliers were underway.

By next July, 1,400,000 passports and biometric identity cards will be issued to Tunisians living abroad, with the issuance of the two new documents to Tunisians at home to be completed within a year and a half.

Minister Feki affirmed that the project to issue the two documents is a “national project” and that the Ministry of Interior is capable of carrying it out.

The parliament’s approval of the two bills at hand “contributes to the
progress of the Tunisian legislative system,” he added.

Concerning the protection of personal data, the Minister affirmed: “We are entrusted with all the personal data of Tunisians, which are adequately protected.”

As for the cost of the biometric identity card and passport, Feki assured “It is a vital issue for the state and administration,” adding that the ministry will spare no effort to implement the project of the two documents within “a comprehensive participatory framework.”

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse