Inclusive governance for resilience: 20 young people trained and provided with equipment

Bobo-Dioulasso: The ‘Inclusive Governance for Resilience’ (IGR) project provided materials to around twenty young people on Thursday, May 2, 2024 in Bobo-Dioulasso. They were trained as part of the ‘Resilience through Crafts’ initiative.

The ‘Inclusive Governance for Resilience’ (IGR) project contributes to strengthening the resilience of young people in the face of terrorism.

It is in this sense that he created the ‘Resilience through Crafts’ initiative, which was responsible for training young people in various craft professions in the communes of Bobo-Dioulasso and Koudougou.

In Bobo Dioulasso, the 20 young people (including 11 girls and 9 boys) who benefited from this initiative funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), received installation kits.

The official handover ceremony took place on the morning of Thursday May 2, 2024.

This equipment consists, among other things, of sewing, dyeing and weaving machines and inputs worth approximately 25 million CFA francs.

rding to the head of the IGR project, Siaka Ouédraogo, the outcome of this initiative is a potential solution to insecurity in Burkina Faso.

‘We must work to ensure that our young people are less inclined to join violent extremist groups,’ said Siaka Ouédraogo.

Ouédraogo indicated that the selection process for these young people was inclusive and involved the municipal authorities of Bobo-Dioulasso and Koudougou.

Listening to him, the training which lasted a year concerned practice and technique.

Among other things, he received technical training in entrepreneurship, marketing, photography, and practice in sewing, weaving and dyeing.

Among the young people trained, welcomed Siaka Ouédraogo, there were residents and internally displaced people.

One of the objectives through this initiative, as the project leader said, is to allow these young people to come together to produce.

He also expressed the hope that the beneficiaries of the day would not be left to their own devices, and that they would be sup
ported by the municipality as well as by GAFREH, technical partner of the project.

The President of the special municipal delegation (PDS) of Bobo-Dioulasso, Laurent Koutou Kontogom, chaired the handover ceremony.

He welcomed and thanked USAID for the IGR project initiative. This initiative, in the eyes of the PDS, constitutes a bold and constructive response to prevent the vulnerability of young people.

‘Providing equipment is of capital importance in the transition of these young people towards their autonomy and professional life,’ declared Laurent Koutou Kontogom.

While congratulating the beneficiaries, the PDS hoped that this delivery of equipment would be for them the prelude to a flourishing career and a significant contribution to society.

The beneficiaries’ representative, Cédric Bayala, expressed the beneficiaries’ gratitude to USAID for the initiative.

‘Your commitment to youth development and promoting community resilience is a source of inspiration for us,’ he said.

Cédric Bayala further s
uggested that the training was much more than an acquisition of technical skills for him and his comrades.

They then committed to doing everything possible to succeed in their different fields.

Source: Burkina Information Agency