Houet/Protection of personal data: The CIL raises awareness in Bobo-Dioulasso

Bobo-Dioulasso: The Commission for Information Technology and Liberties (CIL), trained, on Tuesday January 30, 2024 and Thursday February 1, 2024 in Bobo-Dioulasso, administrative authorities and students on data protection of a personal nature. This awareness campaign is part of the celebration of the 18th edition of the International Personal Data Protection Day celebrated every January 28.

The 18th edition of the International Day for the Protection of Personal Data celebrated every January 28 was commemorated in the city of Bobo-Dioulasso by the Commission on Informatics and Liberties (CIL), placed under the theme: ‘Protection of personal data in a context of security crisis: challenges and perspectives’.

This commemoration was marked by a series of training courses, on Tuesday January 30, 2024 and Thursday February 1, 2024, a series on the use of social networks as a means of promoting living together, on good practices and the pitfalls to avoid on the Internet.

The target audience was the decentraliz
ed administrative authorities of the Hauts-Bassins, South-West, Cascades and Boucle du Mouhoun regions and students from Bobo-Dioulasso and students from the ‘le Savoir’ school complex.

Communications aimed at these different audiences focused on legislation related to data protection and the responsible use of digital platforms.

The president of the Commission on Informatics and Liberties, Halguièta Nassa, underlined that the field of Information Technology and (ICT) has experienced ‘dazzling’ progress, particularly the Internet and telephony. mobile, hence the interest of this training.

For her, the objective is to get the administrative authorities to take over in terms of raising awareness among the populations within their territorial jurisdiction.

Halguièta Nassa indicated that the CIL intends through this session to demonstrate the imperative need to find a balance between the protection of the privacy of individuals and the need to guarantee public security, particularly in the current context of
the fight against terrorism. and cybercrime.

‘Indeed, faced with the evolution of ICT, and mainly the increased use of the Internet (Editor’s note, particularly with social networks), we must be vigilant so as not to harm others, through disclosure personal information that could jeopardize privacy,’ said Mr. Nassa.

She stressed that the celebration of the 18th International Personal Data Protection Day in Burkina Faso is to raise widespread awareness of the importance of legislation on the protection of personal data and respect for privacy. individuals.

The governor of the Hauts-Bassins region, Mariama Konaté, welcomed the initiative because for her, the seminar will allow people to understand and be equipped with the use of digital technology in order to use it responsibly.

In addition to the administrative authorities, the CIL went to the ‘Le savoir’ school complex where Halguieta Nassa and her collaborators brought the same messages to the students and staff of the establishment.

The founder, Abouba
car Koita and the students, praised this CIL initiative in the sense that it allowed them to understand the use of social networks.

Student Ali Diallo claims to have learned a lot during the discussions and then promised to be ‘very careful’ about the use of digital platforms.

Source: Burkina Information Agency