Houet/Musée des Armées at the SNC 2024: More than 1,600 visitors in one day

The 21st edition of the National Culture Week (SNC) is in full swing in Bobo-Dioulasso. One of the attractions of this biennial is the exhibition at the Musée des Armées which attracts an impressive crowd to the craft village.

In a single day, more than 1,600 visitors converged on this exhibition hall to delve into the military and political history of Burkina Faso.

The exhibits, witnesses of different eras and events, captivated many festival-goers.

Among the most remarkable artifacts are combat outfits, including that worn by the former president, General Sangoulé Lamizana.

Outfits made locally during the revolution are also on display alongside colonial helmets, canteens, cooking utensils and gunpowder weapons dating from the colonial period.

‘The objective is to bring the army closer to citizens and to create a strong link between the military institution and the population. We believe that it is by understanding our common history that we can move forward together and overcome adversity,’ explained
the museum curator, Sergeant Michel Sawadago.

This immersion in the history of the Burkinabè army created strong emotions among some visitors.

This is the case for Djeneba Sanou: ‘Through this exhibition, I learned a lot about the history of our army. I was particularly impressed by the authenticity of the artifacts and the commitment of the organizers.’

Maiga Yacoubou, who returns for the second year in a row, stressed the importance of such exhibitions for education and public awareness.

‘Every year, I am amazed by what I discover here. It’s a unique opportunity to learn about our history and heritage,’ he said.

Created in June 1999, the army museum is in the country’s capital, Ouagadougou.

It demonstrates the commitment of the Burkinabè army to share its history with the populations and to strengthen ties with the nation.

Source: Burkina Information Agency