Houet/Festival ‘dioulaya gnongonbein’: To promote Dioula culture

Bobo-Dioulasso: The Dioula community of Bobo-Dioulasso held the 3rd edition of the ‘dioulaya gnongonbein’ Festival from May 24 to 26, 2024 in Bobo-Dioulasso. The sister communities of Mali, Ivory Coast and Ghana joined that of Bobo-Dioulasso, to fraternize and promote Dioula culture.

Three weeks after the 21st edition of the National Culture Week (SNC), Bobo 2024, the Dioula community of the town of Sya brought together its members from May 24 to 26, 2024, on the occasion of the 3rd edition of Dioulaya Gnongonbein Festival to fraternize and promote Dioula culture.

For 72 hours, the Dioula communities of Mali, Ivory Coast, Ghana, and Burkina Faso brought facets of Dioula culture to life at the place of the great mosque of Kong-Bougou.

The massively mobilized public at the opening ceremony was able to discover the cultural richness of the dioulas through a carnival of masks, dancers, ‘tall people with thin feet’, drummers, etc.

In a strong delegation, the Dioula community living in Ghana distinguished itsel
f at this opening ceremony with the dance steps of its leader accompanied by fireworks, and its instrumentalists who kept the festival-goers in suspense for a quarter of an hour. ‘clock.

This festival, according to the leader of the Dioula community in Ghana, should allow the great Dioula people to fraternize and promote Dioula culture and tradition.

This is why His Majesty wanted Dioulaya Gnongonbein to be perpetuated and to be more grandiose for future editions. For the project manager at the Ministry of Culture, Arts and Tourism, Alassane Ouango, representing the Minister in charge of Culture, this festival is a bonus from the SNC which allows the Dioula community to commune and recreate at through its cultural values.

Festivals like the Dioulaya Gnongonbein Festival must multiply in the context of the security and humanitarian crisis in Burkina Faso to allow different communities to get to know each other, dialogue and advocate living together, according to the representative of the Minister in charge
of Culture.

The Dioulaya Gnongonbein festival, according to the explanations of the president of the organizing committee for the 3rd edition, Bapindjé Ouattara, aims to bring together dioulas and the well-being of this community.

The particularity of the 3rd edition , continued the president of the organizing committee, was the invitation to the sister communities of Mali, Ivory Coast, and Ghana to the party.

Source: Burkina Information Agency