Houet/Community Village: A framework for cultural and artistic expression

The Minister Delegate in charge of Regional Cooperation, Stella Eldine Kabré, chaired the opening ceremony of the communities village, on Sunday April 28, 2024 in Bobo-Dioulasso.

45 communities living in Burkina Faso, including 31 Burkinabè and 14 of foreign nationalities, are exhibiting their cultural and artistic know-how on the occasion of the 21st edition of the National Culture Week (SNC) within the community village.

Niger, guest country of honor, is present with a strong delegation.

The opening of this village took place this Sunday, April 28, 2024 under the presidency of the Minister Delegate in charge of regional cooperation, Stella Eldine Kabré.

Ms. Kaboré paid tribute to the communities living in Burkina Faso while reassuring them that they are at home.

She recalled that the objective of the community village is to promote living together, and to cultivate the values ????of solidarity within them.

To the population of Bobo-Dioulasso, Stella Eldine Kaboré expressed her gratitude for their hosp

The Minister in charge of Culture, Rimtalba Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo, added that ‘culture should not be a factor of division. It must bring communities closer to each other. This is the essence of the message and vision of this village of communities.’

The acting UNDP Resident Representative, Alfredo Teixeira, sponsor of the community village, welcomed this initiative which, according to him, constitutes a framework for peaceful mixing and cohabitation.

He reaffirmed his institution’s commitment to working alongside the Burkinabe government to support any initiative that contributes to the promotion of peace in Burkina Faso.

As for the Minister in charge of Culture of Mali, Andogoly Guindo, he indicated that his country and Burkina Faso share the same territory. So, it is completely normal, he said, for the two communities to come together to celebrate culture.

‘Culture brings us together, culture brings us together. It is like a needle and its thread which sews relations between people,’ he sugg

And to indicate the culture of African States is very rich. ‘We saw in this village, the cultural diversity, the different culinary arts,’ he continued.

Source: Burkina Information Agency