Houet/Arts Market at the SNC: Let’s go discover artistic treasures

The Minister Delegate to the Minister of Economy, Finance and Foresight, in charge of the Budget, Fatoumata Bako, opened the arts market on Monday April 29, 2024 in the House of Culture Mgr Anselme Titianma Sanon of Bobo-Dioulasso. It was in the presence of the Minister of State, Minister of Communication, Culture, Arts and Tourism, Rimtalba Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo, and the one in charge of Niger’s culture, Colonel Major Abdourahamane Amadou.

Art is once again in the spotlight at this 21st edition of National Culture Week (SNC).

To this end, the arts market opened its doors to the public on Monday April 29, 2024 at the Mgr Anselme Titianma Sanon House of Culture.

The start was given by the Minister Delegate to the Minister of Economy, Finance and Foresight, in charge of the Budget, Fatoumata Bako in the company of the Minister of State, Minister of Communication, Culture, Arts and tourism, Rimtalba Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo and the one in charge of Niger’s culture, Colonel Major Abdourahamane Amadou.

A spec
ial opportunity to celebrate the richness and diversity of art in Burkina Faso as well as to encourage artists to continue their creative work.

This market brings together artists and art lovers from all over the country.

According to the Minister Delegate in charge of the budget, the arts market is a ‘real forum for promoting our rich cultural and artistic heritage’.

She underlined the importance of this activity for the development and promotion of Burkinabè art.

‘By establishing the arts market, the ministry in charge of culture intends to create a window of opportunities for national artists through exchanges and meetings between professionals from different cultural and artistic sectors, and trade bodies linked to these sectors,’ said Fatoumata Bako, sponsor of the arts market.

Dozens of artists submitted their works to be examined by a jury who will determine the winners in three different categories on the evening of the 21st SNC. These are the categories of batik, sculpture and painting.

The gui
ded tour of the works in competition was led by a member of the jury who explained the different criteria for evaluating the works to the authorities.

Visitors had the opportunity to discover exceptional works of art ranging from paintings and sculptures to batik.

According to the president of the specific arts market commission, Romaric Sanou, for this edition, the arts market will experience significant innovations.

These include the organization of training (creative residency) with Cheick Tidiane SECK, ‘worthy and valiant’ son of Africa and icon of world music, the organization of master classes with personalities from the world of culture, the celebration of International Dance Day, April 29, 2024, through a panel.

Romaric Sanou also cited the establishment of a professional musical platform (IN platform) for the attention of turners, producers, venue managers, festival organizers and the signing of agreements between the SNC and certain structures such as the Festival Foundation on Niger, and Collec
tif Wékré as major innovations in this 4th edition of the arts market.

For the Minister of State, Minister of Communication, Culture, Arts and Tourism, Rimtalba Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo, the arts market is an ‘extremely important’ activity of the Ministry of Culture.

In this sense, he said, everything must be done so that the creative cultural industries become a reality.

‘Art and culture must no longer be neglected sectors, but rather economic sectors in their own right which generate income and also which create jobs, that is the whole point of this arts market’, a- he added.

Source: Burkina Information Agency