Handover of an autonomous water station at the Ioba provincial high school by the special delegation from Dano

Dano: The prefect, president of the special municipal delegation (PDS) of Dano, Denis Zanré proceeded to the official handover of an autonomous water station (PEA) to the provincial high school of Ioba (LPI) on Thursday January 18, 2024.

This autonomous water station (PEA) was built with its own funds by the municipality of Dano with funding from the 2022 municipal management budget.

It is made up of a borehole, a water tower and twenty (20) taps. The total cost of carrying out this PEA amounts to 8 million 394 thousand CFA francs.

According to the prefect, PDS of the commune of Dano, Denis Zanré, the allocation of this PEA responds to a need expressed by the former principal of the LPI, Armel Somé.

For Denis Zanré, the completion of this PEA will make it possible to improve the working conditions of students.

The water station will facilitate the supply of drinking water to 1,233 students. He comes to put an end to fetching water to devote more time to studies, said the PDS.

He took the opportunity to
thank and congratulate the high school administration, the teaching staff and those responsible for school life for the excellent work carried out each year in this establishment benchmark in the province of Ioba.

For the former principal, initiator of the project, Armel Somé, it was following a breakdown of the human motor pump that a request was drawn up to ask people of goodwill to come to the aid of the LPI students.

He thanks the special delegation of the municipality of Dano for having responded favorably to this request by building a PEA.

The principal of the LPI, Vincent de Paul Hien, reiterated his gratitude to the PDS of Dano and to all the members of the special municipal delegation for the realization of this PEA.

He invited all staff and students to take good care of the infrastructure provided to them.

For the proper maintenance of the PEA, the Dano PDS requested the establishment of a management committee and those responsible for hygiene of the premises

Source: Burkina Information Agenc