Gourma: End of year 2023 message from the governor of the Eastern regionUGET calls for regularisation of situation of unemployed doctorate holders

Ouagadougou: The governor of the Eastern region, Colonel Hubert Yaméogo delivered an end-of-year 2023 message to his population on Saturday, December 30, 2023 in Fada N’Gourma

At the start of the end of 2023, Colonel Hubert Yaméogo addressed the population of his administrative district.

His message revolved mainly around key words like recognition, congratulations, thanks, resilience, unity and encouragement. Above all, he expressed a pious thought for all those who have been torn from our affection in one way or another. Also, he did not fail to bow to the memory of our Defense and Security Forces (FDS), our Volunteers for the Defense of the Fatherland (VDP) who fell on the battlefield, without forgetting the victims collateral of the barbarism imposed on our dear country.

To the women and men who fight day and night so that their region remains standing and continues the path of socio-economic development despite the imposed adversity. The governor of the Eastern region sends them his gratitude and reco
gnition of populations. . Among those who have demonstrated resilience, we include public and parapublic officials, journalists, farmers and breeders.

He welcomed and expressed his gratitude to the civil society organizations which, through their dedication, contribute significantly to raising awareness among the populations.

To the students who persevere in the quest for knowledge despite the security crisis, the governor congratulated them.

To the daughters and sons of Gulmu, here and those in the diaspora, Colonel Hubert Yaméogo told them: ‘Your close collaboration with state actors has shown that when we unite our efforts, we are capable of overcoming the greatest challenges…’ He hoped that they would further increase their commitment and support for development initiatives in the region. Still addressing the daughters and sons of Gulmu, he urged them in these terms “…I would once again like to ask the daughters and sons of Gulmu not to give in to dismay but rather to activate wherever necessary moni
toring cells to support the actions of the FDS and VDP’.

Finally, Colonel Hubert Yaméogo hoped that the year 2024 would bring comfort, security, peace and prosperity for his region.
Source: Burkina Information Agency

The General Union of Tunisian Students (UGET) has called for the regularisation of the situation of unemployed doctorate holders and their assignment to research centres and universities.

The student organisation called on the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research to engage in dialogue with all the components of the higher education system to reform the system.

UGET explained that this statement is part of monitoring protests by unemployed doctors, reiterating its support for their demands and direct recruitment.

The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research recently announced the recruitment of 920 doctors in 2024, with 800 by the Department of Higher Education and the rest distributed among other ministries.
Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse