Gourcy/Support for the transition: More than 5 million francs, food and motorcycles mobilized by the active forces of Zondoma.

Gourcy: The Faso Lagam taaba Association organized a meeting to support the transition on Saturday March 2, 2024 in Gourcy. On this occasion, a check for 5,016,575 CFA francs, food and school supplies were given to the Governor of the Northern Region Issouf Ouédraogo as a contribution to the peace effort.

At the call of the Faso Lagam-taaba Association, the active forces of the province of Zondoma responded this Saturday, March 2, 2024 at the Place de la Nation de Gourcy to once again demonstrate through a meeting their support for the transition and the fighting forces (FDS and VDP). At the end of the demonstration, a giant check for 5,016,575 CFA francs, 3 tonnes of rice and a batch of school supplies were given to the Governor of the Northern Region Issouf Ouédraogo to support the efforts to reconquer the national territory. According to the organizers, 10 motorcycles will reinforce this contribution collected from the base in the five municipalities of the province. Receiving the donation, the first pers
on in charge of the region congratulated the active forces of Zondoma for their initiative and invited them to continue the work in synergy of action with the other actors until the total liberation of the Region and the country whole.

The Governor had at his side, the High Commissioner of the province of Zondoma, the Prefects of the departments, the heads of the defense and security forces, the deputies of the region to the ALT, customary and religious notables, actors economy etc. Taking advantage of the presence of all these personalities, the spokespersons of the active forces outlined persistent difficulties and needs in the province and in the region in the areas of health, education, food security, water, roads etc.

But first, they expressed their recognition for the efforts made by the authorities and the fighting forces in improving the security situation in the province of Zondoma which, according to them, resulted in the resettlement of almost all the villages evicted from the province. The meeti
ng was also attended by delegations from the provinces of Passoré, Yatenga, Loroum, Kadiogo and many other localities who unanimously praised the example of resilience of the daughters and sons of Zondoma in the fight against insecurity.

Source: Burkina Information Agency