Gourcy/Complaint management: Village committees soon operationalTunisian and foreign students partake in 2nd “Manar University: Beacon of Cultures” event

Gourcy: In anticipation of the Village General Assemblies on Complaint Management Mechanisms (MGP), the Rural World Association (AMR) in partnership with the Sahel Community Recovery and Stabilization Project (PCRRS- Burkina) organized on Tuesday February 13, 2024 in Gourcy an information workshop for village leaders from the communes of Yako and Arbollé.

After the establishment and capacity building of village complaints management committees, the time has come to operationalize these committees through the implementation of established mechanisms for managing complaints which will be recorded in the within communities.

It is with this in mind that the AMR organized a workshop this Tuesday, February 13, 2024 in Gourcy to prepare field stakeholders.

For the National Coordinator of the AMR Amadou Wangré who chaired the opening ceremony of the workshop, this activity is in line with the implementation of the activities of the Community Project for the Recovery and Stabilization of the Sahel (PCRSS ) and aims
to prepare the General Assemblies which will be held in the coming days in the project villages.

A representative of the Village Development Committee (CVD), a youth representative and a women’s representative from each village took part in this meeting. Twenty villages in the commune of Yako and eighteen in Arbollé are concerned for this first session.

According to the organizers, the participants will have to register, once they return, at least thirty people including internally displaced persons (IDPs) who will take part in the Village General Assemblies with a view to raising awareness on the mechanisms of management of complaints on the one hand and the designation of a GBV (Gender-Based Violence) focal point on behalf of the village on the other hand.

To carry out their mission, each participant received a registration kit after a brief reminder on the risks linked to GBV and the completion of the complaint declaration.

Before parting ways, a timetable was agreed upon with the project leaders for h
olding AGMs in the different villages.

As a reminder, the PCRSS-Burkina is a project initiated by the Burkinabè State with financing from the World Bank. It covers three regions, namely the Centre-North, the North and the Sahel.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Tunisian and foreign students on Wednesday partook in the 2nd edition of the “Tunis El Manar University: A beacon of Cultures,” event organised at the Farhat Hached university campus in El Manar.

“The event seeks to facilitate the integration of international students, estimated at 500 of 37 nationalities, at the University of Tunis El Manar (UTM),” explained UTM President Moez Chafra, adding that “it testifies to the university’s openness on its environment and its efforts to attract foreign students.”

Several performances by the participating countries, music, singing and dance shows, poetry and theatre, a fashion show featuring traditional dress and the election of a Miss, a Tunisian horse riding show, a kite show, etc., are on the agenda.

80% of the scheduled activities are organised by the students, Chafra added.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse