‘God did not create us to live eternally in suffering,’ says Mgr Dabiré to the IDPs of DoriPrimary school teachers protest in Kasbah to demand payment of July 2023 salaries

Ouagadougou: The Bishop of Dori, Monsignor Laurent Dabiré, during the Christmas mass, urged the populations of the Sahel and in particular the IDPs residing in Dori to keep trust and hope in God, because according to him, HE will put an end to their suffering. The religious celebration which saw the participation of the great Iman of Dori, Mamoudou Yaya Cissé, was marked by a community meal with the IDPs.

The Bishop of Dori, Monseigneur Laurent Dabiré, celebrated, on Monday December 25, 2023 in Dori, as part of the Christmas festivities, a mass in favor of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in order to show them the solidarity of the Christian community diocesan and parish of Dori.

According to the bishop, this solemnity which took place at the Good Shepherd center in Dori, aims to prove to internally displaced people that they are at the center of the church’s concerns and to bring them a smile on this special day.

According to the prelate, this service is organized to show the IDPs that Christ, whose bi
rth is celebrated, was born in difficult circumstances where his displaced parents, not having found a place in the hostel, had to camp. in a stable.

Monsignor Laurent Dabiré urged the Christians of Burkina Faso to be men and women of peace, fraternity and solidarity.

To the Sahelian Christian community, the Bishop of Dori wished great hope and confidence in the promises of God, who abandons no one in difficult situations.

The man of God reassured that the trying situation in the region, experienced for years, will come to an end because according to him, God did not create us to live in eternal suffering.

On behalf of the IDPs, the catechist of Gorgadji, Ambroise Ouédraogo, expressed his gratitude to the God creator of the universe. Ambroise Ouédraogo warmly thanked the Bishop of Dori, Mr. Laurent Dabiré, for all his benefits to the IDPs.

To the one he described as a father constantly watching over the children entrusted to him by God, he wished health and wisdom to accomplish his mission.

The Gorgadji
catechist thanked the Catholic community who welcomed them into the faith. This mass recorded the presence of the grand imam of Dori, Mamoudou Yaya Cissé.

In his address to the audience, the imam of Dori said he had come to demonstrate to the Catholic community the solidarity of the Muslim community.

This mass marked a fairground baptism and a community meal for the benefit of internally displaced people.
Source: Burkina Information Agency

A few hundred primary school teachers held a protest rally in front of the Ministry of Education headquarters on Tuesday to denounce the Minister of Education’s decision to withhold the July salaries of teachers who have not submitted their students’ grades to the administration by July 24, 2023.

Secretary-General of the General Federation of Basic Education, Nébil Haouachi, pointed out that Minister of Education, Mohamed Ali Boughdiri, had decided to freeze the July salaries of 3,910 teachers, and not just 3,000 as he had previously announced, arguing that this measure was illegal as evidenced by the public accounting code.

Haouachi added that the teachers will continue their protests until their demands are met and their salaries are paid.
Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse