Gayéri: the population of Foutouri contributes to the peace effort for the 5th time

The population of Foutouri in Komondjari has once again demonstrated its support for the Transition in its fight for the reconquest of the national territory by mobilizing a sum of one million twenty-one thousand (1,021 000) CFA francs on June 22, 2024.

Responding to the call from the village chief of Foutouri on June 22, 2024, the population of the said locality mobilized an amount of one million twenty-one thousand in support of the transitional authorities in their commitment to the reconquest of the national territory and the return of peace.

The said sum was transmitted on June 24, 2024 to the head of the Foutouri detachment for delivery to the Public Treasury.

The information was given on June 26, 2024 to the AIB by Mr. Monmini Sinaré, President of the special delegation of the commune of Foutouri.

As a reminder, the said population had already mobilized a sum of eight hundred and eighty-five thousand (885,000) francs on June 26, 2023, two hundred and sixty-five thousand (265,000) francs on May 10,
2023, two hundred fifty-four thousand (254,000) francs on January 30, 2024 and three hundred and eighty thousand five hundred (380,500) CFA francs on February 27, 2024.

Source: Burkina Information Agency