FM expresses in Jeddah Tunisia’s condemnation of Zionist entity’ ongoing genocidal war against Palestinians

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad, Nabil Ammar, expressed Tunisia’s strong condemnation of the ongoing genocidal war and the heinous massacres committed by the Zionist entity against unarmed Palestinian civilians, the destruction of infrastructure, the imposition of a total blockade, the practice of forced displacement and starvation.

‘This is an unprecedented violation of international law and humanitarian law, with the complicity of some influential parties in the international community,” he stressed.

In a speech delivered at the extraordinary meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the OIC member states in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, on Tuesday afternoon, the Minister underlined the importance of the international community assuming its humanitarian, political and legal responsibilities to provide full protection to the defenceless Palestinian people.

He also called for swift and effective action to immediately stop the blatant Zionist aggression, lift the siege to
ensure the delivery of humanitarian and relief aid, rebuild what has been destroyed and prosecute all officials involved.

According to a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nabil Ammar stressed the historic responsibility of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation and its Member States to exert all efforts and endeavours to protect the Palestinian people and support their legitimate rights at this delicate stage, in light of the failure of the Security Council to assume its responsibilities.

Nabil Ammar called for the adoption of clear and concrete positions and decisions commensurate with the magnitude of the crimes of genocide, displacement and starvation committed by the occupation authorities, and the intensification of efforts to alleviate the injustice and suffering of the Palestinian people in order to regain their stolen rights.

The minister also reiterated Tunisia’s firm and principled position in support of the Palestinian people, especially their right to establish their indepen
dent and sovereign state on all their territories with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital.

He held the Zionist occupation responsible for the escalation and deterioration of the humanitarian situation in the Palestinian territories.

During this extraordinary meeting, the member states discussed the continuation of the genocidal crimes committed by the Zionist occupation army against the Palestinian people, as well as possible efforts and endeavours to stop the aggression and provide protection and urgent basic and humanitarian needs to the Palestinians.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse