Fight against money laundering and terrorist financing: a draft bill on the customs code adopted

Ouagadougou: The President of Faso, Head of State, Captain Ibrahim TRAORE chaired the Council of Ministers this Wednesday. According to the Minister of State, government spokesperson, Jean Emmanuel OUEDRAOGO, the Council examined several reports and took important decisions for the smooth running of the Nation.

On behalf of the Ministry of Civil Service, Labor and Social Protection, the Council analyzed the file relating to the social liabilities of the dissolved Mediator of Faso, which included 109 agents. According to Minister of State Bassolma BAZIE, certain agents came from the Civil Service and were deployed there. On the other hand, others whose recruitment did not respect the procedures in force had either fixed-term contracts (CDD) or permanent contracts (CDI). It appears from the overall staff situation that at the end of June, only one person had a fixed-term contract which ends in December 2025. For those with permanent contracts, there were retirees who were released on the basis of the texts whi
ch govern the world of work. There remain 34 others who have permanent contracts.

‘The Council gave authorization to manage these liabilities not by integrating them as civil service agents, but by deploying them to the Ministry of Civil Service which will be able to make them available to any structure which will be in the need for personnel,’ indicated Minister Bassolma BAZIE.

Minister BAZIE took the opportunity to challenge the various managers who must avoid irregular recruitment which generates social liabilities to be managed after their departure.

Under the Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Foresight, a preliminary draft law on the customs code was adopted. According to the Minister in charge of the Economy, Aboubakar NACANABO, this code, which is a rereading of the old one, takes into account current realities and includes innovations. In terms of innovations, he mentioned the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism, and control of the import of weapons. It also takes into
account electronic commerce at the national and international level, in order to strengthen the resource collection system.

On behalf of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, responsible for Relations with Institutions, Keeper of the Seals, the Council issued a decree adopting wards of the Nation for the benefit of 63 minor children and orphans.

According to Minister Edasso Rodrigue BAYALA, this decree grants rights to wards of the Nation. This includes free healthcare, schooling and public transport, in addition to moral, material and financial support.

On behalf of the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Quarries, the Council adopted a decree organizing electrification in rural areas with the aim of improving access to electricity in these areas. According to the Minister in charge of Energy, Yacouba GOUBA, there are a certain number of difficulties and inadequacies which are not in favor of increasing the electrification rate in rural areas.

‘The Council approved a decree which will bring a certain numbe
r of innovations. There is the division of the territory into administrative zones which will coincide with the administrative regions. Each area should be the subject of one or more concessions. And each company applying must establish an investment plan and an expansion plan on the basis of specifications,’ explained Minister GOUBA.

On behalf of the Ministry of Urban Planning, Land Affairs and Housing, the Council adopted a draft decree regulating flood-prone easements, primary rainwater evacuation channels, unbuildable flood-prone areas in the city of Ouagadougou.

The ministry conducted a study which made it possible to series the different cases, and to address each primary canal, each dam, and the easements subject to flooding, specified the Minister in charge of Urban Planning Mikaïlou SIDIBE.

The Minister of State, government spokesperson Jean Emmanuel OUEDRAOGO indicated that the Council took note, in oral communication, of the situation of 173 Burkinabè expelled from Côte d’Ivoire “in defiance of
humanitarian rules” and welcomed the July 16 in Yendéré, on the border. These 173 people are from the same community and made up mainly of women and children.

The Minister of State, government spokesperson, declared that the Head of State, Captain Ibrahim TRAORE, gave instructions for a government mission to deport to Yendéré to not only take stock of the situation and ensure that appropriate arrangements are made to ensure a dignified welcome to these compatriots.

Source: Burkina Information Agency