FCFA: ‘Burkina remains a member of UMOA’, Minister of the EconomyRun-off local elections: Ballot starts under normal conditions (ODDPH)

Ouagadougou: The Burkinabè Minister in charge of Economy and Finance, Aboubakar Nacanabo, affirmed on Sunday that his country remains a member of the UMOA as long as it does not deviate from its initial ideals like the ECOWAS.

‘The reasons which pushed us to leave ECOWAS have been clearly expressed, it is the fact that ECOWAS has truly departed from the ideals of its founding fathers,’ said Aboubakar Nacanabo.

The Burkinabè Minister in charge of Economy and Finance spoke on Sunday in an interview with AIB.

‘We have also noted that ECOWAS is at times manipulated by foreign powers. We believe that this way of operating does not correspond to our vision,’ added Mr. Nacanabo.

According to the minister, Burkina will not leave the West African Monetary Union (UMOA) and therefore the FCFA zone.

‘As far as UMOA is concerned, until now, we have not had these same complaints. So we remain a member of UMOA,’ said Aboubakar Nacanabo.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Ballot for the run-off local council elections started under normal conditions and no irregularities were reported,” underscored on Sunday Secretary General of the Organisation for the Defence of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (ODDPH) Bouraouia Agrebi.

The run-off local elections recorded the participation of 4 candidates through direct voting, Agrebi told TAP, pointing out that a total of 279 seats are reserved for people with disabilities.

The ODDH has deployed 28 young people to collect data across the country and 197 observers to monitor the elections, he specified.

Bouraouia Agrebi voiced wish that the turnout in the run-off local elections would increase, indicating that the organisation will hold a press conference on Sunday at 7 p.m. to present the results collected in the polling centres.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse