DRC: Bishops say ‘no to all forms of blessings for homosexual couples’

Ouagadougou: The bishops of the Democratic Republic of Congo have said no to all forms of blessings for homosexual couples, in the name of Christian and African values.

In a statement dated December 23, 2023, the National Episcopal Conference of the Democratic Republic of Congo (CENCO), reacted to the possibility offered by Pope Francis to hurt homosexual couples and couples in an irregular situation.

The prelates said ‘no to any form of blessing of same-sex couples’.

For the Congolese bishops, ‘cases of same-sex unions are deviationist unions which do not enter into the order of creation (and) Holy Scripture presents them as serious depravities and abominations’.

To do this, they recommended ‘to ordained Ministers, Catechists and Pastoral Animators, not to give the blessing, in the liturgical context, to couples of man and woman, even stable, in an irregular situation; which could lead to confusion and cause this blessing to be assimilated to the sacrament of marriage.’

The bishops of the DRC also noted
their ‘crucial role in safeguarding the faith and culture of peoples, in synodality’.

They urged the faithful of the Church-Family of God in DR Congo to remain firm in their attachment to Christ, while reaffirming their ‘Christian and African values’.

However, the bishops reaffirmed that their attachment to Pope Francis, Successor of Peter, remains unwavering. »
Source: Burkina Information Agency