Digitisation: Cabinet meeting decides to set up technical committee to review legal texts

A Cabinet meeting on the main pillars of the digitalisation of administrative services chaired by Prime Minister Ahmed Hachani decided to set up a limited technical committee in charge of revising as soon as possible the main legislative texts that no longer meet the requirements of the digital age.

This committee will also be responsible for the implementation of certain proposals, such as the adoption of a unique identifier for citizens, the widespread use of the National Interoperability Platform, the integration of services for citizens in the Citizens’ Portal and the adoption of common mechanisms in all electronic administrative services, according to a press release from the Prime Ministry.

The Prime Minister recalled the central role of digitisation in the development of the administration and its services. He stressed the need to combine the efforts of all ministries in order to reach an advanced stage in the digitisation of documents and the improvement of services available to citizens.

of Communication Technologies, Nizar Ben Neji, reviewed the national digitisation strategy and the basic principles of the digitisation of administrative services.

The meeting was attended by Minister of Justice, Leila Jaffel; Minister of the Interior, Kamel Feki; Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad, Nabil Ammar; Minister of Finance, Sihem Nemsia; Minister of Economy and Planning, Feryel Ouerghi; the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Moncef Boukthir; Minister of Education, Mohamed Ali Boughdiri; Minister of Communication Technologies, Nizar Ben Neji; and Minister of State Property and Land Affairs, Mohamed Rekik.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse