Deadly and massive attacks against civilians in Komsilga, Nodin and Soro, the prosecutor opens an investigation

Ouagadougou: In a note dated March 1, 2024 and of which the AIB obtained a copy, the Prosecutor of Faso at the Ouahigouya High Court informs public opinion of the opening of an investigation into cases of attacks perpetrated against civilian populations in the villages of Komsilga, Nodin and Soro in the department of Thiou, province of Yatenga.

According to ‘corroborating information’ received by the prosecutor, ‘the provisional toll of these attacks is 170 people executed in addition to the injured and material damage.’ Given the seriousness of all these denunciations, the prosecutor says he has opened an investigation with a view to clarifying the facts. »I appeal to all people who have elements or information on these facts to communicate them directly to my public prosecutor’s office or to the judicial police services within my jurisdiction. » underlines the prosecutor’s press release.

On Sunday February 26, 2024, three villages in the department of Thiou in Yatenga were victims of massive attacks which
left several dozen dead, numerous injured and enormous material damage, recalls the AIB.

Source: Burkina Information Agency