Court of Auditors, traffic and land accidents on the cover of Burkinabè newspapers

Ouagadougou: The Burkinabè press this Friday echoes the traffic accident on the Sikasso-Bougouni axis which occurred on Malian soil which caused the death of several Burkinabè, land management rural and the 2022 report of the Court of Auditors.

‘2022 Report of the Court of Auditors: Irregularities persist in the management of public finances’, headlines the state daily Sidwaya.

According to him, the Court of Auditors presented its 2022 annual public report yesterday Thursday in Ouagadougou, during a press conference.

The public newspaper maintains that the institution, in addition to its mission of controlling public finances, also sanctions management errors while assisting parliament in the execution of financial laws and the certification of state accounts.

The dean of Burkinabe private dailies, L’Observateur Paalga, for its part, reports that 53 political actors have not justified their financing for the 2020 coupled elections.

The private newspaper Le pays specifies that the Court of Auditors is cle
aning up the subject of subsidies granted to political actors in Burkina.

Under another chapter, the same private daily newspaper displays on its first page: ‘Rural land management: A parliamentary inquiry to see things clearly’.

The colleague underlines that parliamentary inquiries will soon be carried out on rural management in Burkina Faso, on the liabilities of real estate development and on the effectiveness of projects and programs financed with external resources.

According to him, the Transition deputies yesterday Thursday in Ouagadougou gave discharge to their colleagues carrying out the projects, through the adoption of the creation of commissions which will conduct the investigations.

For the public newspaper Sidwaya, three parliamentary commissions of inquiry were created concerning land management and development aid.

Under one section, L’Observateur Paalga publishes on its headline: ‘Sikasso-Bougouni axis in Mali: 40 Burkinabè die in a traffic accident’.

The private daily reports that two
days after the traffic accident which caused the death of several Burkinabè on the Sikasso-Bougouni axis in Mali, the Burkinabè government, through a press release, presents its condolences to the grieving families and wishes a speedy recovery to the injured.

The state daily Sidwaya, for its part, the State urges road users to be more vigilant and careful.

And the private newspaper Le Pays pointed out that 40 Burkinabè died in a traffic accident.

Source: Burkina Information Agency