Conspiracy against State security: detainees continue hunger strike

Families of detainees in the conspiracy against the State security case Wednesday said the arrestees – on a hunger strike for ten days now- will keep on protesting until their demands are met.

The families told a press conference held by the Coordination of Families of Political Detainees at the headquarters of Al Joumhouri party in Tunis their relatives – in detention for 365 days – had not been heard yet.

“Those arrested are political actors in a democratic regime, holding their meetings in public and under surveillance.

Ezzedine Hazgui, father of Jaouher Ben Mbarek, levelled criticism at the detention conditions of politicians.

Feiza Chebbi, wife of detained Issam Chebbi, said the arrestees refused to appear before the investigating judge to protest against the decision to have their custody period extended and the bad conditions of their transfer.

The detainees have been on a hunger strike for ten days now in protest against “their unjustified detention” and the “silence of the public prosecutor.”

onia Brahim, wife of Abdelhamid Jelassi – former member of Ennahdha, said most of hunger strikers suffer from chronic conditions and are aged over 60.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse