CONECT calls for improving SMEs competitiveness

Tunis: The Administrative Board of the Confederation of Tunisian Citizen Enterprises (French: CONECT), had a meeting, on July 20, in Tunis. It called for improving the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and easing their access to markets and funding sources.

A focus was placed on the need to reduce administrative procedures hindering business and review the specifications and the system of prior authorisations.

They recommended raising awareness among SMEs about the use of clean energy and the carbon tax law.

The Administrative Board called on institutions to develop the institution’s societal role by contributing to programmes which combat climate change, pollution, and water scarcity in order to promote sustainable development.

The Board also stressed the need to ease investment procedures for Tunisian expatriates in order to boost regional development and the business climate in the country, attract more foreign investments, increase exports to new markets and anchor entrepren
eurial spirit among young people and encourage them to launch innovative projects.

The Board members spoke of the importance of reviving the national economy by providing support to SMEs which fulfill a key role in creating wealth, achieving growth, and reducing unemployment in the country.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse