Comoé: An association organizes 96 hours of solidarity with vulnerable people

The association educator of committed to the family organized in Banfora, under the patronage of El Hadj Souleymane SOULAMA, the presidency of the President of the special delegation of the commune of Banfora, Yacouba BARO and the sponsorship of Olivia SOME /HEMA, Coordinator of the Munyu women’s association, 96 hours of solidarity towards vulnerable people in the city of Banfora, from March 7 to 10, 2024. The objective was to collect food and clothing for the benefit of internally displaced people and vulnerable.

Activities were initiated during these 96 hours which are, among others, the exhibition fair for the sale of various products, a blood donation for the benefit of the Defense and Security Forces (FDS), and volunteers for the defense of the homeland (VDP) who are fighting for the reconquest of territorial integrity, screening for cervical and breast cancer and viral hepatitis.

According to the president of the association of Educators Committed to the Family, Maimouna KOITA/DIARRA, it has already b
een a little over 8 years since our country, Burkina Faso, has been confronted with the phenomenon of terrorism which has led to a massive displacement of populations. . These internally displaced people swell the number of vulnerable people in the localities which welcome them through this war which is imposed on us.

Concerned by this situation, the educators committed to the family found it necessary to initiate these 96 hours of solidarity towards these vulnerable people. The benefits of all these activities will be used for the benefit of these vulnerable people to enable them to get through this marked period of Lent for both Muslims and Christians.

The president explained that these 96 hours allowed the association to collect 2 tons of rice. ‘We chose the first week of March, commonly called women’s month, to organize these 96 hours of activities as women to show these vulnerable people that our hearts are with them,’ she said. .

The Patron of this edition, Souleymane SOULAMA, thanked the AEEF for th
is great initiative which is to help vulnerable people. He also expressed his availability and commitment to supporting these types of initiatives because vulnerable people always need everyone’s support to improve their living conditions. He therefore invited all Burkinabè people, all people of good will to follow suit to help and support these vulnerable people so that they do not feel alone or give up.

Source: Burkina Information Agency