Christmas: At the 12th RIC of Ouahigouya, the faithful prayed for the Fighting ForcesFTDES calls for protection of immigrants’ rights in France after adoption of new immigration bill

Ouagadougou: The Christian faithful of the Family Church of the Diocese of Ouahigouya celebrated the solemnity of the Feast of the Nativity in the different parishes. At the Saint-Michel chapel, housed within the 12th Commando Infantry Regiment of Ouahigouya, civilians and soldiers were in communion of prayer for the return of peace to Burkina Faso.

It was in an atmosphere tinged with joy and hope that the Catholic faithful welcomed the newborn in the Saint-Michel Archange chapel of the military Base Catholic Community (CCB) of the Notre-Dame de la Délivrande Parish of Ouahigouya.

For Father Raoul Konseimbo and the concelebrant priests of this Christmas Nativity Mass 2023, the grip is loosening on the people of God.

The sons and daughters of Family of God Church have been reassured that the Lord is there and the peace He announces is within reach.

All Christians must welcome this peace by opening their hearts. ‘Analyzing our contemporary world, we can be sad and worried by everything that happens and by c
ertain behaviors.

The Lord, through his birth, invites us not to be afraid and to live above all in hope to build a better world,’ said Father Raoul Konseimbo Director of the Diocesan Communication Center.

During the celebration, all the faithful, in the same spirit, prayed for the return of peace, for the FDS and VDP who, at the cost of their lives, remained committed to liberating our country.

The children were at the heart of the celebration and especially received advice and blessings from the military chaplain, Father Olivier Sawadogo, and the diocesan secretary, Father Jean Noël Ouédraogo.
Source: Burkina Information Agency

The Tunisian Forum for Economic and Social Rights (FTDES) on Monday called on the authorities to do everything possible to protect the rights of immigrants in France following the adoption of a new immigration bill that is hostile to them, and expressed its concern about the situation of Tunisian immigrants in France.

In a press release, the FTDES stressed the importance of solidarity between peoples, civil forces and trade unions to confront the policies of discrimination, hatred, detention and expulsion of immigrants that are being adopted in the migration policies in France and throughout Europe.

‘On 20 December, the French Parliament approved the new immigration bill, which promotes hatred against immigrants, treats them in a discriminatory manner and threatens the condition of all Tunisian immigrants in France, not only irregular migrants,’ it pointed out.

It added that this law makes social assistance conditional, so that the children of immigrants do not systematically acquire nationality, and impos
es a deposit on foreign students enrolling in universities, in addition to tightening the conditions for family reunification. The FTDES goes on to say that “this law can lead to the denial of residence permits and the loss of citizenship”.

The Forum stated that with this law, France is once again departing from international human rights conventions, to which it is an active party, and from bilateral agreements on freedom of movement, and is violating the concepts and principles of protection, equality and dignity for all people, regardless of their nationality, origin, colour or religion.

The FTDES condemned the continuation of cooperation between Tunisia and France in this climate of discrimination and hatred towards immigrants, which could “legitimise abuses against Tunisian migrants and mass expulsions”, according to the same press release.
Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse