Centre-North/Regional Development Plan: More than 61 Billion Expected to Achieve Its Benchmark.

Kaya: The Regional Special Delegation of the Center-North, in an extraordinary session on December 3, 2024, adopted its Regional Development Plan (PRD) for the period 2023-2027. The plan was unanimously approved with 23 votes cast under the chairmanship of Colonel-Major Z. Blaise Ouédraogo.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the adoption of this document marks a significant step for the local authority, providing a guidance document to succeed the one covering 2018-2022. With a total cost of 61,466,421,527 CFA francs, the PRD 2023-2027 emerged from a participatory and inclusive diagnosis, identifying major challenges and proposing priority actions.

The plan is structured around four major pillars: combating terrorism and restoring territorial integrity; responding to the humanitarian crisis; rebuilding the State and improving governance; and promoting national reconciliation and social cohesion. Developed amid security and humanitarian crises, the new framework aims to establish sustainable socio-econ
omic development for the region.

The plan specifically targets the improvement of agro-sylvo-pastoral production, the promotion of production support sectors, access to basic social services, enhancement of local governance, citizen participation, and consolidation of social unity. With technical support from UNDP, UNICEF, and the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), this plan adheres to the principles of the triple humanitarian-development-peace nexus and sustainability.

The overarching vision of the plan is to make the Centre-North a resilient region where the population upholds cultural values, contributing to social cohesion and peace, aiming for stabilization and socio-economic recovery by 2030. Moussa Sawadogo, regional director of economy and planning for the Centre-North and chairman of the drafting team, emphasized the PRD 2023-2027 as a contribution from the local authority towards the country’s stabilization and community recovery.

Priority actions align with the pillars, axes, and objectives o
f national policies, particularly the Action Plan for Stabilization and Development (PA-SD) of the transition. For successful implementation, Moussa Sawadogo urges all development stakeholders in the region to mobilize and achieve the anticipated results.

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