Call for immediate ceasefire in Gaza (Arab Group at UN)

Tunisia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Tarek El Adab called for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip in a statement delivered on behalf of the Arab Group on the occasion of the General Assembly meeting on the priorities of the Organization for 2024.

El Adab stressed in his statement, which falls under Tunisia’s chairmanship of the Arab Group in New York for February 2024, the need to provide protection for Palestinians and speed up the unimpeded entry and delivery of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip.

He also expressed the Arab Group’s categorical rejection of the policy of collective punishment carried out by the occupation authorities against the population of the Gaza Strip and the other occupied Palestinian territories, as well as any attempts to forcibly displace Palestinians from their land.

He commended in the name of the group, the Secretary-General’s positions and efforts to support international peace and security in the world, boost sustainable development, find effective
solutions to existing crises, enhance the ability to face current challenges, especially the impacts of climate change, to fund development, the situation of refugees and forcibly displaced persons, support human rights, provide humanitarian aid, combat poverty, bridge the digital divide, reform the international financial system and ensure that no one is left behind.

The Permanent Representative hailed on behalf of the Arab Group, the Secretary General’s stances on the situation in the occupied Palestinian territories and his ongoing efforts and repeated calls for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, the entry of humanitarian aid into the Strip and the prevention of the forced displacement of Palestinians.

Besides, he affirmed the Arab Group’s support for multilateral action and the UN’s reform approach, which seeks to further activate its role and make its performance more effective, according to the Tunisian Permanent Mission to the United Nations.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse