Burkinabè unions react to the colonialist remarks of French General Lecointre

The Union Action Unit (UAS), which brings together trade union centers and autonomous unions in Burkina, denounced the comments of French general François Lecointre, calling on Europe to re-administer the African countries in the years to come.

‘The recent remarks made by General Lecointre, former Chief of Staff of France, clearly reflect the desire of imperialist France to defend its interests through war if necessary,’ wrote the UAS in its message on the occasion of International Labor Day.

‘Fortunately, we also note a growing awareness among populations of this situation and the quest for change in their favor,’ add the Burkinabè unions.

This year, the celebration of May 1 is being held internationally in a context marked by the deepening crisis of the imperialist capitalist system. This is reflected on the military level by the multiplication of centers of war around the geostrategic interests of the imperialist powers.

According to them, the international context is marked by ‘the deepening of the cr
isis of the imperialist capitalist system’, which translates on the military level into the multiplication of centers of war around the geostrategic interests of the imperialist powers.

‘Inter-imperialist rivalries constitute one of the causes and one of the ferments of terrorism in the world,’ notes the UAS.

The Trade Union Action Unit expresses its full solidarity with the workers and peoples fighting all over the world for freedom, justice, the right to life and for better living and working conditions.

The UAS further expressed its solidarity with ‘workers and peoples struggling all over the world for freedom, justice, the right to life’

In October 2022, the UAS also requested the departure of all foreign military forces, particularly French ones, denouncing ‘imperialist domination’ and ‘the leonine military and economic cooperation agreements which link (Burkina Faso) to France’.

Since then, the approximately 400 French soldiers of Operation Saber, discreetly installed in Burkina since 2009, have le
ft the country, officially in February 2023.

Captain Traoré’s power has also denounced old neocolonialist agreements with France and sent home French diplomats who engage in actions deemed destabilizing for the Land of Upright Men.

Source: Burkina Information Agency