Burkina: Zéphirin Diabré offers 25 boxes of sugar to Muslims

The former Minister in charge of Reconciliation, Zéphirin Diabré, offered on Monday, in Ouagadougou, 25 boxes of sugar to the Cercle d’Etude, de Recherche et de Formation Islamique ( CERFI) as part of Ramadan.

“I am this morning at the CERFI, as part of a very personal approach, that of a citizen and a believer, to show my solidarity with our Muslim brothers who are in the blessed month of Ramadan,” said Zéphirin Diabré on Monday.

Zéphirin Diabré had just donated 25 cartons of sugar to the Circle of Study, Research and Islamic Training (CERFI).

“This month of Ramadan which they started in peace must continue in peace and end in peace. May God give them the strength and the courage to be able to endure the fast they have chosen”, wished the former Minister in charge of National Reconciliation.

Mr. Diabré recalled the importance of religion in Burkina Faso as a factor of awareness, education, spirituality, social cohesion and living together.

“I can only take this opportunity to encourage and congratulate the President of CERFI and all of his office and its members for the excellent work they are doing in this direction”, he noted.

The president of CERFI, Hamidou Yaméogo indicated that the donation will be shared with the structures in the provinces.

“For several years, Burkina has been tested in its security, in its living together with the security and humanitarian challenge that we are experiencing. He therefore urged us to pray,” said Hamidou Yaméogo.

Source: Burkina Information Agency