Burkina: The war against terrorism is shifting into the digital world, warns the CSC

Ouagadougou: The president of the Superior Council of Communication (CSC), Idrissa Ouédraogo, warned yesterday Wednesday that the war against terrorism is shifting into the digital domain, hence the need to continue to regulate to preserve the sovereignty of Burkina Faso.

The war against terrorism ‘is shifting to the digital domain. You have to keep your eyes peeled, especially with informed technicians. In any case, the regulatory work will continue, certainly to preserve our sovereignty,’ affirmed Idrissa Ouédraogo.

‘We should not think of sovereignty just in terms of physical space, nor should we think of it just in terms of material resources. The media constitute a heritage that must be preserved as much as territories and national treasures. It is obligatory that we look at this and it is always good given that the countries of the Alliance of Sahel States (AES) do not remain behind on these issues,’ added Mr. Ouédraogo.

The president of the Superior Council of Communication (CSC), who had at his sid
e the Minister of Digital Transition Aminata Zerbo/Sabane, spoke yesterday at the Burkina embassy in Bamako, during a courtesy visit to the Ambassador Julienne Dembélé/Sanon and her collaborators.

The Burkinabè delegation is staying in Bamako as part of the second edition of National Digital Week.

‘We therefore reassured ourselves about the false rumors that were already circulating. This has already been well done by the media and the authorities and we have come to reinforce it. We also received news from our compatriots. Relations are strengthened with the brother country of Mali,’ confided the president of the CSC.

As a reminder, in mid-June Burkina Faso suffered a vast media and digital campaign over supposed mutinies and the overthrow of President Ibrahim Traoré.

Source: Burkina Information Agency