Burkina: The government creates the company ‘TEX FORCES-BF’, to make and market military and civilian outfits

Ouagadougou: The government created on Wednesday a mixed economy company called Textile des Forces Armées du Burkina Faso abbreviated ‘TEX FORCES-BF’, with a view to making and marketing professional outfits for the benefit of military, paramilitary and civilian bodies.

‘The second decree creates a mixed economy company called Textile des Forces Armées du Burkina Faso, abbreviated ‘TEX FORCES-BF’, we can read in the report of the Council of Ministers this Wednesday.

The same source specifies that this company’s objectives include making and marketing professional outfits for the benefit of military, paramilitary and civilian bodies.

Another decree approved the statutes of the said company with a view to enabling it ‘to effectively accomplish its missions’ in accordance with the law ‘on the rule for creating categories of public establishments’.

Source: Burkina Information Agency