Burkina: The Energy Council, one of the essential links in the governance of the energy sector, Minister

Ouagadougou: The Minister in charge of Energy, Yacouba Zabré Gouba indicated Thursday that the Burkinabè Energy Council constitutes one of the essential links in the governance of the energy sector.

‘The council is a structure which has just emerged and will strengthen the players operating in the energy sector. It will constitute one of the essential links in the governance of the energy sector,’ declared the Minister in charge of Energy, Yacouba Zabré Gouba.

He hoped that the debates could lead to a set of recommendations and resolutions which will support the ministry in the governance of the energy sector.

The Minister in charge of Energy spoke Thursday in Ouagadougou, during the first Assembly (GA) of the Burkinabè Energy Council (CBE).

For Mr. Gouba, Burkina’s energy sector has gone through dark periods which were manifested by the insufficient supply of electricity which resulted in a certain number of power cuts.

‘This situation challenges us all as we seek reliable solutions. We need the support
of private and public actors to meet the enormous challenges facing the energy sector,’ he added.

The president of the Burkinabè Energy Council, Baba Ahmed Coulibaly, indicated that his structure will put in place mechanisms at this AG, to better serve the country.

‘Our vocation is to provide advice to the government. We must regularly produce reports on all aspects and make publications,’ he maintained.

Created in 2023, the Burkinabè Energy Council aims to contribute to the harmonious and sustainable development of the energy sector in its various components.

Source: Burkina Information Agency