Burkina: The CIL raises awareness among several administrative authorities about the protection of personal data

The Commission for Information Technology and Liberties (CIL) held on Thursday an awareness seminar on the protection of personal data for the benefit of decentralized administrative authorities and local authorities in the regions of North-Central, Central Plateau and Sahel.

The awareness seminar on the protection of personal data was held under the theme: ‘Protection of personal data in a context of security crisis: challenges and perspectives’.

This awareness session concerned governors, provincial high commissioners, prefects and presidents of special delegations as well as heads of decentralized administrative services from the Centre-North, Central Plateau and Sahel regions.

Organized by the Commission for Information Technology and Liberties (CIL), this meeting made it possible to encourage the various administrative authorities to adopt best practices in the protection of personal data, according to the president of the institution Halguièta Nassa/Trawina .

For her, the primary objective of this s
eminar is to raise awareness among administrative authorities of the importance of legislation related to the protection of personal data and respect for the privacy of individuals.

Several communications were presented during this seminar such as the legal and institutional framework for the protection of personal data in particular, law n°001-2021/AN of March 30, 2021 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of data of a personal nature and the issues and perspectives of the unique identifier and ICT.

Themes positively appreciated by the participants. ‘This seminar is welcome, especially in the current security context, the knowledge acquired will allow us to better protect and manage the personal data of our local authorities,’ rejoiced Gustave Boro, prefect and president of the special delegation ( PDS) of Diguel in the Sahel.

Same story for the High Commissioner of the province of Namentenga (Central-North), Adama Conseiga. ‘We learned a lot professionally, including how to manag
e information, a database and how to organize information collection. On a personal level, we learned how to protect ourselves with the use of social networks, how to authenticate information, among other things,’ he listed.

And added the High Commissioner of the province of Ganzourgou (Plateau-Central), Aminata Sorgho/Gouba: ‘We have had information that helps us behave better in the face of requests for personal data by certain structures.’

The governor of the Center-North region, Blaise Ouédraogo, for his part, indicated that the field of ICT will be that of future wars, in the sense that certain Nations will defeat others, because they have been able to have supremacy from digital or computer science on other Nations.

This is why he called on the participants to be vectors for raising awareness in their respective workplaces.

At the end of the discussions, Halguièta Nassa/Trawina expressed satisfaction with regard to the participation and the relevance of the concerns raised. However, she urged partic
ipants to exercise caution.

‘We must be vigilant in our daily administrative practices so as not to harm others by disclosing personal information that could jeopardize privacy,’ said the president of the CIL.

Source: Burkina Information Agency