Burkina: Seizure of nearly 6 tonnes of fraudulently repackaged rice

Ouagadougou: The Mobile Economic Control and Fraud Repression Brigade (BMCRF) put an end on the night of June 26, 2024 to the illicit activities of a crooked trader in the Dapoya district of Ouagadougou, caught in flagrante delicto of repackaging rice in 50 kg bags, repackaged in 25 kg bags of another brand, while reducing the actual weight of the rice.

Carried out with the assistance of the national police, the operation made it possible to seize nearly 6 tonnes of fraudulently repackaged rice, reports the communications services of the ministry in charge of trade.

According to the same source, it was noted that some repackaged bags of rice did not bear any date, which also constitutes an additional offense.

She specifies that the trader was summoned to the brigade to answer for his actions.

The general coordinator of the BMCRF recalled that such practices are severely punished. He encouraged the public to report any suspicious activity of this type.

The head of department in charge of investigations an
d monitoring the application of texts relating to prices and stock, the fight against fraud, counterfeiting and illegal competition practices indicated that this intervention is part of as part of the authorities’ ongoing efforts to combat the phenomenon of fraud in order to protect consumers.

In his opinion, illegal repackaging of food products not only misleads consumers, but also poses public health risks.

The Mobile Economic Control and Fraud Control Brigade (BMCRF) invites populations to report all suspicious activities to the following toll-free numbers:

80 00 11 84

80 00 11 85

80 00 11 86

Source: Burkina Information Agency