Burkina: Sada Zougmoré and her brother Dramane Tiendrebéogo keep quiet about their misunderstandings to position Sank Business

Ouagadougou: The Director General (DG) of Sank Finance, Sada Zougmoré and his brother Dramane Tiendrébeogo, co-founder of Sank-money, decided on Wednesday to silence their misunderstandings, by coming together to position Sank Business on the national and African level, noted the AIB

‘Today, the two brothers, the children of Thomas Sankara, have come together to work so that Sank positions itself as a leader in the field of money transfers in Burkina and Africa,’ declared the Director General by Sank Finance, Sada Zougmoré.

According to Mr. Zougmoré, the co-founder of Sank Money, Dramane Tiendrébéogo and his Chairman of the Board of Directors (PCA), Wendemi Jules Kader Kaboré and he decided to silence their misunderstandings about the company’s belly agreement which has opposed them since December 2022.

The CEO of Sank Finance, who was in Ouagadougou on Wednesday, in front of media women and men, was delighted with the fact that Mr. Tiendrébéogo found himself on the same table with his team to bury the hat

According to him, on March 1 , 2024, an agreement was sealed between Mr. Kaboré and Boureima Namena on the management of Sank Business while specifying that the discord was on the respect of the commitment made concerning the dates set for settling the debts.

‘After that, there were interpretations from both sides of the convention. Today we came to an agreement and that’s the main thing for us,’ he said.

Sada Zougmoré also noted that the young people gave an example to show that the Burkinabè must work for the development of the country, because according to him, the company is 100% national.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, he clarified that the Burkinabè people today adhere to the Sank money initiative, everything which justifies its 600 thousand users with more than 5 thousand agents who make Sank mobile money.

According to him, his company soon plans to integrate, among others, payments from the National Electricity Company of Burkina (SONABEL), the National Water and Sanitation Office (ON

The co-founder of Sank Money, Dramane Tiendrébéogo also explained that disagreements existed between Boureima Namena, Jules Kader Kaboré and him regarding the Sank Business company.

‘We found something in common, we decided to get along because we are all young Burkinabè people. We must be examples for future generations,’ he argued.

According to Mr. Tiendrébéogo, the company does not belong only to the two of them but to all citizens, given their membership, even if there were two at the start of Sank money in 2021.

‘In a family, there are always quarrels but in the end, adequate solutions are found. We try to open other doors and change things. Only the unconscious fight for eternity,’ he said.

He added that the agreement reached on Friday March 1 made it possible to release all shares for Boureima Nanema who will take the reins of Sank.

‘We will always support, this does not mean that we are fleeing Burkina Faso, that we are fleeing Sank, all things considered our names will be in Sank,’ said Dr
amane Tiendrébéogo.

Yesterday Tuesday, Sank Business through a press release announced the general administrator, Boureima Namena became at the beginning of March 2024, the sole author up to 100% of San Bussiness SA, thanks to a fraternal solution found with the Founder of Sank Business, Wendemi Jules Kaboré.

Source: Burkina Information Agency