Burkina/Patriotic Commitment Day: A farmer hands over 1000 baobab plants to the government

Ouagadougou: The farmer, promoter of an orchard with 35,000 baobab plants planted, Salifou Ouédraogo, handed over 1,000 baobab plants to the government on Tuesday to ‘mark his patriotic commitment to a green Burkina Faso’.

‘I am happy with the institution of patriotic commitment days. I am especially happy with the reforestation decreed by the government on this occasion. Also, I handed over 1000 baobab plants to encourage the government in this effort,’ said environmental defender Salifou Ouédraogo.

He spoke Tuesday in Ouagadougou on the occasion of the closing of the days of patriotic commitment and citizen participation.

For Mr. Ouédraogo, the government’s invitation to plant trees will help contribute to a green Burkina, for food self-sufficiency, for future generations.

El hadj Salifou Ouédraogo is a farmer operating nearly 100 hectares of baobabs in Burkina. It totals 35,000 baobabs planted, the result of 56 years of effort and perseverance.

Salifou Ouédraogo is also the winner of the Kuuri d’or En
vironnement at the 7th edition of the International Agricultural and Livestock Show (SIAEL).

Source: Burkina Information Agency