Ouagadougou: 54 new microfinance experts trained by the Support Program for the Mobilization of Savings in the Francophonie (PAMEF) received, Friday, their parchments with the baptismal name ‘La Renaissance’.
According to the Technical Secretary for the Promotion of Financial Inclusion, Lin Hien, ‘the promotion of financial inclusion among our populations and small and medium-sized enterprises cannot be a reality if the structures do not have highly qualified human resources. and mastering the art of microfinance’.
He invited them to take advantage of the extensive knowledge that was made available to them during the training.
Lin Hien spoke on Friday, in Ouagadougou, during the graduation ceremony of the 15th class of the Support Program for the Mobilization of Savings in the Francophonie (PAMEF) with the baptismal name ‘La Renaissance’.
He indicated that the promotion of financial inclusion among our populations and small and medium-sized businesses cannot be a reality if the structures do not have high
ly qualified human resources who have mastered the art of microfinance.
‘This is why I truly appreciate the contents of the training modules offered by PAMEF, which are very good,’ continued Mr. Hien.
The Technical Secretary was delighted to be able to count on PAMEF to perpetuate the ambition of providing a more professional framework to the world of inclusive finance in our country.
Lin Hien recalled that microfinance continues to play the leading role in endogenous development through its proximity to the vulnerable population, as a catalyst for financial inclusion, poverty reduction, job creation and added value.
For him, it is one of the pillars of financial inclusion alongside the banking sector, the insurance sector, and the currency issuer sector.
The General Director of the Burkina Faso Credit Union Network (RCPB), also sponsor of the promotion, Azaratou Sondo/Nignan, noted that since 2000, her institution has opted for the professionalization of actors, particularly employees and administrators
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‘To this end, a policy focused on capacity building has been put in place through the organization of continuing training, qualifying with partners including the Professional Association of Decentralized Financial Systems,’ she mentioned.
She explained that the RCPB is a cooperative savings and credit movement spread throughout Burkina Faso and its mission is to contribute to improving the living conditions of populations excluded from the traditional financial system.
Ms. Sondo also presented her structure as being one of the most important structures in the landscape of decentralized financial systems in Burkina and also in the UEMOA area.
‘Today we are gathered to celebrate your success in acquiring expertise in microfinance management,’ said the Director General of RCPB.
She invited her mentees to apply the knowledge acquired to better ensure the offering of products and services adapted to customer needs.
The Rector of the African University for Cooperative Development (UADC), Barthélémy Biao,
congratulated the PAMEF management team for having mobilized 54 learners in a first class, after 10 years of lethargy.
‘I hope there was added value that will be useful to them in the various positions they will occupy,’ said Mr. Biao.
The class delegate, Marcel Do, expressed his recognition for the quality training and the diploma received, which for him are the symbol of personal accomplishment.
On behalf of the applicants, he asked the general director of the RCPB to promote and entrust major responsibilities to the RCPB students from the promotion.
Source: Burkina Information Agency