Burkina: Me Titinga Fréderic Pacéré crowned Golden Baobab 2024

Ouagadougou: Master Titinga Fréderic Pacéré was crowned Golden Baobab 2024 yesterday Sunday, for his numerous works in favor of the promotion of Burkinabè and African culture.

‘This year, Master Pacéré Titinga has given a lot to this country, he is a gentleman who should be congratulated even outside of Burkina Faso. It is time for us to celebrate him before he leaves,’ said the coordinator of the Golden Baobab, Karim Compaoré.

Mr. Compaoré who spoke yesterday Sunday at the National Center for Arts, Entertainment and Audiovisual (CENASA) in Ouagadougou, on the occasion of the celebration ceremony of the Golden Baobab 24.

He also specified that his objective aims to celebrate the glories of Burkina Faso during their lifetime.

For his part, the representative of the Minister in charge of Culture, Valentin Kambiré added that Mr. Titinga is a multifaceted personality whose journey is intimately linked to Burkina Faso and that of the whole of Africa.

‘Today and more than ever, in our context, it constitutes a
compass and it must never cease to guide us,’ he continued.

According to him, thanks to the Golden Baobab, Master Titinga will be better known and appreciated for his true value by many compatriots.

‘We know from him that: When the termite mound lives, it adds earth to the earth. We hope that this termite mound will be the basis for the construction of a dignified, happy and prosperous Burkina Faso as well as a Sahel where life will be good,’ added Mr. Kambiré.

For the occasion, Me Titinga expressed his satisfaction with the tribute and urged the organizers to further promote the country’s culture.

The Baobab d’or 24 thanked the organizers for their initiative which makes it possible to honor his person through this ceremony which promotes Burkinabè culture.

Seizing the opportunity, Me Titinga Fréderic Pacéré recalled that a professor indicated that there are men who will be recognized only after their death.

‘Me Pacéré Titinga is currently misunderstood but unfortunately he has disappeared,’ he noted

And coordinator Karim Compaoré added that: ‘We attended posthumous tribute evenings and these people left with their knowledge, their knowledge. With for example those who are alive, people will always benefit from them and have a lot of knowledge.’

For Mr. Kambiré, this initiative is to be welcomed because according to him, it celebrates and preserves the common memory of the country’s models and baobabs.

As a reminder, during the 6th edition held this Sunday, May 5, 2024, Master Titinga Fréderic Pacéré was crowned Golden Baobal.

Source: Burkina Information Agency