Burkina/May 1: Africa remains a reservoir of mining, forestry and labor resources, Bassolma Bazié

Ouagadougou: The Minister in charge of Labor, Bassolma Bazié, recalled that Africa remains a reservoir of diverse mining, forestry and labor resources, in his speech to workers at the occasion of the commemoration of International Labor Day

‘This continent has been and remains a reservoir of diverse mining, forestry and labor resources since the period of slavery to neocolonialism through the slave trade and colonization in the eyes of this global rapacity,’ said the Minister in charge of Labor, Bassolma Bazié, as part of the celebration of International Labor Day.

Bazié explained that to maintain this sustainable exploitation over time, a facade democracy was imposed through which African lackeys were fabricated and kept at the head of African countries, playing at best and by mimicry the role of their masters to think at a distance.

In the same sense, he added that African leaders were, or are in places today, real slave traders in the pay of their colonizing masters by cutting and selling off the forest
ry, mining and human resources of the African continent at will and pushing the working masses into indescribable misery.

‘Thus, our values of culture and education have been cleverly vandalized, models of life without morals infused, human value transformed into a simple and vile street commodity,’ continued Bassolma Bazié.

According to him, the West African sub-region, particularly the Sahel, is the reflection and the typical example of what is previously described.

‘Indeed, the presidential palace slave traders accepted the implementation of humanly scandalous and socially devastating practices: the acceptance of the destruction of our social form of State and our security,’ the minister specified.

According to him, the imperialist powers have cleverly prepared their return by the intrusion of terrorism into the Sahel in this environment.

Furthermore, according to him, this May 1 commemoration takes place in a difficult international, regional, sub-regional and national context.

‘On the international
level, we are witnessing open and violent confrontations between the great powers of the world and this is manifested through the war in Ukraine, in the Middle East, etc. “, he added.

Bazié also explained that these poorly concealed confrontations are essentially the stated ambitions of redistribution and domination of the world.

‘Thus, the surge in prices of consumer products, climate deregulation, the excessive impoverishment of working people, etc. are only direct or indirect consequences,’ he stressed.

For the Minister in charge of Labor, in Africa, the populations are experiencing the full brunt of the consequences of these aims of redistribution and domination of the world and especially of Africa.

However, he added that the United Nations (UN) is ineffective in the face of its primary responsibilities to defend human rights, social justice, etc.

It has now been 140 years since workers around the world marked May 1, making it an unforgettable day, as its scope is so general and unanimous among work
ers, employees and governments. .

Source: Burkina Information Agency