Burkina/Golden Baobab: ‘I made a request to obtain legal days to celebrate our traditions’, Maître Pacéré

Ouagadougou: Master Titinga Fréderic Pacéré declared on Sunday, on the occasion of the Golden Baobab ceremony, that he had submitted a request to the government to obtain legal days to celebrate the customs.

‘I filed this request to request that the government take a decision to grant one day or two days for the legal consecration of traditions and customs,’ declared Titinga Fréderic Pacéré.

Maître Pacéré indicated that like Muslims and Christians who were entitled to paid days off, this request aimed to do justice to Africa.

He spoke during an interview this Sunday, on the occasion of the 6th edition of the Golden Baobab which was dedicated to him.

‘On March 6, 2024, in the Council of Ministers, I learned that the government had dedicated the date of May 15 to traditions,’ he continued.

Mr. Pacéré also thanked the government, the deputies, the head of state with whom he submitted the request for the consideration they had for the country.

‘I wish a happy commemoration of this memorable day. For now tha
t’s enough for me. I asked for two days but perhaps there will be a sequel,’ underlined Me Pacéré Titinga.

Following a decree reaffirming the secularism of the Burkinabè state on March 6, 2024, May 15 will be celebrated for the first time as the day of traditions and customs throughout the national territory.

Source: Burkina Information Agency