Burkina: Demonstrators once again demand the relocation of the French embassy

Ouagadougou: Citizen watch movements reiterated, on Friday, their request for the relocation of the French embassy to Ouagadougou, due to its very close proximity to the presidency of Faso.

Citizen watch movements had given an ultimatum to the French embassy to leave its current site. This ultimatum ends on June 28, 2024.

To this end, they came out this morning to reiterate their request to the authorities to change the current site of the French embassy.

According to Kalga Ibrahim, of the Faso Sidsoré movement, given the quality of current relations between Burkina Faso and France, it is not prudent to keep the embassy near the presidency.

For him, the site’s position is strategic, especially as it straddles the presidency, the public treasury and national television.

‘France does not help us fight terrorism. ‘It is of no use to us,’ he said.

Note that the police first used tear gas to disperse the demonstrators before they later returned to give their message.

Source: Burkina Information Agency