Burkina considers COP 28 on climate change mixed

Ouagadougou: The Ministry in charge of the Environment took stock of Burkina Faso’s strong participation in COP 28 which ended in Dubai on December 13, judging it to be half-baked.

In his summary presented to the press by Pamoussa Ouédraogo, the Minister in charge of the Environment, Roger Baro, estimated that the COP 28 organized in Dubai, “did not fully achieve its objectives” but nevertheless ‘allowed us to make significant progress in significantly reducing our greenhouse gas emissions’.

On financial issues which generally divide, the minister recalled that a text operationalizing the Loss and Damage Fund was adopted by the States Parties.

‘In addition, the second replenishment of the Green Climate Fund which opened in October 2023 received new commitments to reach a record amount of 12.8 billion US dollars,’ added the minister.

According to him, funding pledges were announced to contribute to the Funds for Least Developed Countries, the Special Fund for Climate Change and the Adaptation Fund.

He als
o recalled the historic adoption at the opening plenary of a decision making operational the new loss and damage fund which was created the previous year in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt during COP 27.

The Burkina Faso delegation, with 127 members from government, civil society and the private sector, held meetings and organized events on the sidelines of COP 28.

She notably took part in the signing of the LIFE-AR partnership pact by the new members and the signing of the agreement on the ‘Gender transformation mechanism in the context of climate adaptation’ (GTM) initiative with the IFAD for a cumulative amount of more than 10 million USD.

It was in 1992 that the United Nations adopted the framework convention on climate change, ratified by Burkina Faso in 1993. It aims to stimulate international cooperation in the face of the harmful effects of climate change.

The conference of parties established by this convention works in a concerted manner to stabilize atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHG) a
t a level that prevents any dangerous anthropogenic disturbance to the climate system.
Source: Burkina Information Agency