Burkina: Communication and journalism students at IPERMIC mobilize for resilience in the face of the security crisis

Ouagadougou: The 72 hours of the 2024 communication and journalism student at IPERMIC, placed under the theme ‘Security context and humanitarian management: role and responsibilities of information and journalism actors. communication in resilience”, were launched on February 29, 2024 at Joseph KI-ZERBO University.

On February 29, 2024, the communication and journalism student club of the Pan-African Institute for Studies and Research on Media, Information and Communication (IPERMIC) inaugurated the 72 hours of communication and journalism student journalism, welcoming around a hundred students from different institutes.

For club president Ismaël Lagoun Drabo, the 72 hours are frameworks for promoting the values of solidarity and social cohesion which facilitate socio-professional integration and are a guarantee of knowing how to live together among us students but beyond.

‘These values are more necessary than ever within our populations given the socio-political and security context that you already know,
‘ he added.

The event, hosted at Joseph Ki-Zerbo University, began with the presence of teachers of the institute, and its interim director Dr. Lassina Kaboré, members of the young international chamber, students and alumni students of IPERMIC.

‘I admire the dynamism and diligence of my young brothers both in their initiative and in the choice of their theme’ declared Perfect Silga, representative of the honorary sponsor of the 72 hours, Adama Kanazoé, also a former student of the IPERMIC.

According to him, the theme of this edition testifies to the level of awareness that students and professionals in the world of communication have regarding the crisis which has undermined the country for several years.

‘The 72 hours are also a framework for entertainment through different cultural activities. This is an opportunity to remember our cultural identity and that in the face of adversity we must continue to be a united and resilient people,’ added Mr. Silga.

He also invited the students to make the most of
the activities of this edition.

For the representative of the godmother Christelle Kalhoule, director of the NGO Children Believe, Mr. Yandi Lompo, the capacity of information and communication actors to make the most marginalized voices heard, to raise awareness of protection and mobilizing resources in favor of vulnerable people is essential to guarantee an equitable and truth-respecting humanitarian response for all.

‘Your pen, your camera and your voice are powerful weapons in the service of justice and peace,’ he continued.

The representative of the Minister in charge of Communication Jean Rimtalba Jean Emmanuel OUEDRAOGO, patron of the ceremony, welcomed the choice of the theme which shows the desirable quality of the training and also the patriotic and civic commitment which animates the students. ‘Talent will not be enough and our country needs valiant and patriotic journalists,’ he continued.

He also encouraged students to become agents of change in the fight against misinformation and manipulati

During these 72 hours, participants will see a series of engaging activities, from panels that will develop the theme of the 2024 edition, to debate competitions, including donation drives for internally displaced people.

The program also includes moments of cultural entertainment such as the screening of the film Sira and networking meetings, thus offering students a unique opportunity for learning, sharing and concrete actions.

These days will also provide a platform for discussion and action for students engaged in building a more united and resilient world.

Source: Burkina Information Agency