Burkina: Bassolma Bazié apologizes to the teaching staff

Ouagadougou: The Minister of State in charge of the Civil Service, Bassoma Bazié, presented his apologies to the teaching staff on Saturday, after the broadcast of a video in which he assured that teachers had advantages that could be considered as Common Funds (premiums).

‘Myself as a teacher, I see that in these two days, there are my colleagues who listened to a video that was taken out of context, who are complaining. I therefore take this opportunity to offer them my apologies and also my sincere encouragement. There will be times when I will come back to this so that those who were not there can understand in what context it was held,’ declared Bassolma Bazié.

The Minister in charge of the Civil Service and Labor spoke on the evening of Saturday December 30, 2023, on the antennas of the National Radio of Burkina.

About ten days ago, in a video that went viral on social networks, Mr. Bassolma affirmed that all civil service bodies benefited in some way from common funds (bonuses).

For example, he con
sidered that the places ‘granted’ to teachers’ children in schools could be considered advantages.

These comments outraged many teachers on social networks.
Source: Burkina Information Agency