Burkina: Basic social services provided for a resilient population

Ouagadougou: The Emergency Territorial Development and Resilience Project (PUDTR) organized a press caravan, from June 25 to 28, 2024 in the Eastern region, in order to touch on the construction of educational and health infrastructures in the communes of Tibga, Diabo and Diapangou.

Media people visited educational and health infrastructures on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, built for the benefit of the populations of the communes of Tibga, Diabo and Diapangou, as part of a press caravan.

These achievements were made by the Emergency Territorial Development and Resilience Project (PUDTR), in the Eastern region.

The delegation’s first stopover is the commune of Tibga which benefited from 24 classrooms, a CEG, standardization latrines from 2 CSPS and the development of rural roads.

At the Bolontou A and B school, the infrastructure built is made up of 3 classrooms, halls, latrines, all equipped with access ramps for people with reduced motor skills.

For the civil engineer, PUDTR infrastructure assistant in the Ea
stern region, Jacob Guiguemdé, the construction of the various infrastructures is subject to rigorous controls in order to guarantee the quality of the works for the benefit of the beneficiary populations.

For the director of Bolontou B school, Lankoandé Youmani, his establishment went from 3 to 6 classes.

Mr. Lankoandé added that the jewel allows them to accommodate a large workforce on the same site.

The parent of the student, Madi Balima, for her part, welcomed the normalization of the school because her children were traveling distances for their studies and wished for more support from the PUDTR.

The 2nd stage was in the commune of Diabo where the project created latrines, waiting halls and housing at the Maoda Health and Social Promotion Center (CSPS).

In the commune of Diapangou, halls for those accompanying patients, a pharmaceutical depot, and an autumn water station, have also been created.

At Litiayenli primary school, the team noted that work had stopped due to the poor quality of the work,
which led to the termination of the company’s contract.

The PUDTR is an initiative of the government of Burkina Faso with financial support from the World Bank.

It aims to improve inclusive access of communities (including displaced people) in targeted areas to essential social services and infrastructure.

With an envelope of 260.15 billion FCFA, the PUDTR runs over the period 2021-2025 and covers the Boucle du Mouhoun, East, Center-East and Center-West regions.

Source: Burkina Information Agency