Burkina: an alleged forger causes damage of more than 300 million FCFA

Ouagadougou: The Police Station of District No. 03 of the city of Ouagadougou put an end to the illicit activities of an alleged thug who engaged, among other things, in the counterfeiting of seals of the State, forgery and use of forgery, illicit enrichment and money laundering in the city of Ouagadougou. The damage caused by all of his actions is estimated at more than 300,000,000 FCFA.

The investigations carried out by the investigators made it possible to seize two counterfeit Burkinabè customs stamps, around ten false circulation certificates (CMC), more than thirty false registration deposit receipts and 260 false payment receipts. of TVM, reports the communications service of the national police.

According to the same source, this individual has been carrying out his illicit activities since 2020.

The national police specified that this individual posed as a freight forwarder and acted as an intermediary for customs clearance and vehicle registration.

It offered its customers its services for custo
ms clearance and registration of their vehicles in return for remuneration at the exact customs clearance or registration value of the vehicle, while guaranteeing them speed in processing requests.

As soon as he succeeded in convincing a customer, after having obtained the sums required for the services, the accused took care of the production of false customs clearance documents and established a false receipt for payment of Motor Vehicle Tax (TVM) to attach to the registration file that he had created to submit to the ministry in charge of transport (Directorate General of Land and Maritime Transport (DGTTM)) in order to obtain the vehicle registration document.

The national police reiterated their thanks to the population for their collaboration, which made it possible to achieve this result. She urged her to always continue in the same dynamic and to continue to report suspicious cases to the toll-free numbers made available to her: 17, 16 and 1010.

Source: Burkina Information Agency