Burkina: a civil society movement renews its support for President Traoré

Ouagadougou: The civil society movement ‘Fasokooz’ announced Thursday that it is organizing on Saturday July 6, 2024, a patriotic return to raise awareness among young people about patriotism and renew its support for the President of Faso, the captain Ibrahim Traoré.

‘Through the patriotic return to school, ‘Fasokooz’ wants to solemnly renew its commitment and its support for the current transition, but also to remobilize its troops and all Burkinabè patriots to be ready for two years of activism on the ground in favor of the national cause,’ declared the movement’s spokesperson, Labidi Naba.

According to Labidi Naba and his comrades, ‘Fasokooz’ supports President Ibrahim Traoré out of conviction. ‘Since his accession to power in 2022, President Traoré has provided pragmatic governance in line with the ideals of the revolution led by President Thomas Sankara,’ explained the representatives of civil society.

According to the movement’s spokesperson, the patriotic return to school is also an opportunity for
civic and moral education, citizenship training, ideology, military discipline, agricultural field work, reforestation and learning other professions.

The patriotic return to school of ‘Fasokooz’ is intended to be an annual event which will take advantage of each school holiday to raise awareness and instill love of the homeland, work and solidarity among the youngest. It is placed under the theme ‘From Yiangdism to Wayignanism: Fasokooz, on the move with the President of Faso for the advent of the new Burkinabè society’ and will be sponsored by Commander Oumarou Yabré.

‘Fasokooz’ is a civil society organization that advocates for the cause of Faso, advocating generational renewal since 2017. She is a member of the National Coordination of Citizen Monitoring Associations.

Source: Burkina Information Agency