Boulgou: Sanitation day at the Cinkansé bus station

The town hall of the commune of Yargatenga initiated a sanitation day at the Cinkansé bus station, on Saturday May 25, 2014.

The special delegation of the commune of Yargatenga, in the province of Koulpelogo initiated a sanitation day at the Cinkansé bus station, on Saturday May 25, 2024.

This activity is a response to the government’s call to make their living environment clean.

In this town on the border of Burkina and Togo, there are many plastic bags thrown all over the town by users.

These sachets are the cause of disease and environmental pollution.

To remedy this unsanitary situation, the president of the special delegation of the municipality of Yargatenga, Jean Saré, invited each citizen to play their part. For Mr. Saré, cleaning up his living environment must be a civic act.

He invited ‘The entire population of the commune of Yargatenga participated actively in this cleanliness day by collecting the bags and putting them in bins’.

On this clean day, we noted the presence of civil society orga
nizations, the Yargatenga social action service, citizen monitoring actors, village development committees (CVD), and law enforcement.

Source: Burkina Information Agency