Boucle du Mouhoun: Neutralization of Hassane Idrissa Boly, GSIM executive

Ouagadougou: Hassane Idrissa Boly, operational executive of the so-called Support Group for Islam and Muslims (GSIM) in the Boucle du Mouhoun, was neutralized with 26 of his colleagues on February 20, 2024 by the Fighting Forces, the AIB learned from security sources this Friday.

On February 20, 2024, hordes of terrorists got in the way of the patriots to prevent them from continuing the ‘reconquest of Douroula’ operation.

The Combatant Forces will then engage in intense combat with these members of the GSIM between Magnimasso and the Léry bridge, better known as the Thomas Sankara bridge.

In total, 27 criminals were killed, including Hassane Idrissa Boly, aged around 33.

This assassin, engaged in terrorism since 2019, was one of the main people responsible for the blockade of the town of Nouna and the eviction of several villages in the provinces of Kossi and Banwa.

In 2020, he planned and executed several attacks against the FDS and civilian populations from the base he created in the locality of Kinsè
rè, commune of Barani.

Promoted to operational manager in view of his misdeeds, Hassane Idrissa Boly assisted terrorist groups active on the eastern part of the Mouhoun River.

The Kinsèrè base being one of the largest bases in the forest of the Kossi province, the elimination of this great criminal is a victory for the Combatant Forces, resolutely committed to the liberation of Burkinabè territory in general, and of infested localities of the Boucle du Mouhoun in particular.

The neutralization of Hassane Idrissa Boly and his lieutenants will also weaken the hordes of terrorists on hold in the locality.

Source: Burkina Information Agency